Our History
In 1935 the Orland Rural Fire Department (currently known as Orland Fire Protection District) was formed. With a 1935 International truck as our first piece of equipment. The City and Rural equipment were manned by the same volunteers, thus providing fire protection to the surrounding Orland area.
How the Orland Rural Fire Department was formed.
In the year 1935 the people in the rural area surrounding Orland were in need of fire protection. At that time a group of men who resided in the rural areas held their first meeting for the purpose of forming and organizing the Orland Rural Fire District. The charter members were Fred Lowden, Bob Gilmore Sr., John Leonard, George Schonauer Sr., Walter Stickler, and County Supervisor Mel Haigh.
On the eve of the first meeting John Leonard was elected president and Fred Lowden was elected Secretary. At the same meeting there was a discussion about the need of a fire truck and the Board requested the Secretary to get specifications and bids on a fire truck mounted on a 1 1/2 ton truck. Also discussed with County Supervisor Mel Haigh present was a fire budget to have monies set aside by the County of Glenn for Fire Department use. A short time later bids were recieved and opened on the new fire truck and after some discussion on the bids recieved Walter Stickler made a motion that the board moved to accept the bid from the Pacific Fire Extingusher Company which was accepted by the Board. But about nine days later a letter was recieved from the Pacific Fire Extinguisher Company stating that they did not want to handle the contract for the fire truck as there was to be no down payment at delivery time and they would have to carry the amount on their books for up to four years. Knowing that they urgently needed a truck the Board decided to telephone Van Pelt at Oakdale, C.O. D. (this showed theat they were very conservative with the taxpayers dollas), to see if they could construct the truck as per the previous bid. A meeting was held the following night and Mr. Van Pelt was present and said that they would construct the truck as per the previous bid. This truck was delivered the same year making it the first piece of fire apparatus to be manned by Volunteers of the Fire District.
Several years passed and in 1937, Guy Boone was elected to the Board to replace Bob Gilmore Sr. In 1938 Inman Beck was placed on the Board to replace John Leonard. Since John had reigned it was necessary to elect a new President, this honor was given to Walter Stickler.
In 1939 the Board realizing the need for more water capacity at the fires instructed the secretary to contact some oil companies to see if a used tanker could be purchased. This was done and a used Ford Truck with a 1000 gallon tank was purchased for the sum of $349.00. A notation in the minutes stated that both the truck and the tank were in very good condition.
In 1943 Walter Stickler resigned as President but was immediately appointed Secretary as Fred Lowden had left the Board shortly before leaving the job open. Guy Boone was elected President to replace Walter Stickler. The new Board member to replace Fred Lowden was Carl Abbott.
In the year of 1946 the Board could see the need for an additional piece of fire apparatus and in the same year took delivery of a F.M.C. pumper, equipped with a 500 gpm Midship, and a high pressure pump. This gave the department two pumpers and one tanker. In 1949 Fire Chief Everett Schmidt approched the Board on the need of a new truck to replace the old Ford truck which was beyond repair. This was done and the Department recieved a new GMC Truck on which the 1000 gallon tank was mounted.
From 1950 thru 1953 the main topic of the Board was the need for larger quarters to house the fire equipment. After numerous meetings with the City of Orland and the Fire Department a committee consisting of Buck Gleason, JD Robinson, Jack Foley, Dave Gleason, Fire Chief Henry Blunk and Glenn Olsen, the plans were drawn and accepted and the fire house was completed.
1955, brought about the resignation of Guy Boone from the Board and his son, Roy was appointed as his replacement. Since Guy Boone was President, and a new one had to be elected, Carl Abbott was selected for the job. Also in this year Fire Chief Glenn Olsen requested another new truck to add addittional equipment to the district, and to use the old International for standby use only. This was not easy to sell to the Board but after looking at the condition of the older truck, they consented and another F. M.C. Truck was added to the Rural Department. This Truck ws about the same size as the one purchased in 1946. A delegation of firemen, lead by Board Member George Schanauer Sr., decided to take a trip to San Jose to accept and bring home the new truck. Those volunteering to go were Hank Vincze, Jack Gilmore, Glenn Olsen, Virgil Gleason, Buck Gleason, and Glenn Tibessart.
In 1956, George Schonauer Sr., was appointed President and Jasper Lichsteiner was eleted to the Board to replace Carl Abbott.
1959 brought about another request by Fire Chief Olsen to purchase a 750 gpm pumper, with a high pressure pump, to completely replace the old International, now beyond retirement age, and to put a much newer truck in standby service. This request was also granted by the Board and this truck was purchased from the Coast Apparatus Company and deleivered in Jine of 1960.
1961 was the year the George Schonauer Sr., resigned from the Board and he was replaced by Walter Jasper, Inman Beck was elected as the new President.
More History to be posted at a later date.